The files are organized as follows:
General set up and rules are at the start.
Following that is a listing of the Phase Sequence, with a list of legal player activities at those times. When a chart or file is useful or necessary, there'll be a link to it at that point.
Random Events:
The moderator will roll for Random Events and make whatever adjustments are required.
No player activities allowed.
The moderator will roll for Colonial Office and determine player incomes.
No player activities allowed.
Minor Powers:
The moderator will roll for Minor Power Activity.
No player activities allowed.
Movement / Status Change:
Players submit orders in which they may:
• Place Merchant Fleets if applicable. (See New Merchant Fleets Chart)
• Move Merchant Fleets.
• Purchase and place new Status Markers. (See Status Placement Rules and Marker Costs)
• Remove Interests and Influences.
• Purchase, disband, place, and/or move military units. (See Marker Costs)
• Build Canal(s).
• Exchange (give or receive) money with other powers.
• Specify preferred losses (see Colonial Combat below).
• Players may cede control of Established Control Markers to other players.
• Players may enact Treaties.
Colonial Combat:
The moderator will roll for Colonial Combats. (See Combat Chart)
No player activities allowed. Players' losses will be allocated on the basis of a minimizing total costs unless the players had previously specified preferred losses
during the Movement / Status Change Phase.
Marker Adjustment:
The moderator will make all necessary adjustments.
Players may, if necessary, determine where their losing forces (in areas where Unrest
was not successfully put down) retreat to.
Players have many actions open to them:
• Downgrade Controls where Casus Belli exist.
• Downgrade Interests and Influences anywhere.
• Give markers to other players.
• Grant CoDominions in an Area to other players if all players with Controls in said area agree.*
• Enact Treaties.
• Transfer money.
• Call a Congress of Europe on any or all issues where they hold a Casus Belli.
• Declare War.
Note: all new markers placed in Negotiations must be paid for.
If, at the end of Negotiations conflicts still remain (which are not resolved by Declarations of War or Congress), the moderator will downgrade the markers of all players who initially had CBs, returning home any illegally placed troops.
Congress of Europe:
Initially, players announce attendance (or lack there of) at Congress, and may publicly veto American and/or Japanese attendance.
Players in attendance may submit Proposals, vote on proposals, and then sign, refuse to
sign, or defy Congress' results. Players may also Declare War at any point in Congress.
Congress' proposals may include any of the following:
• Anything listed in the Negotiation phase.
• Removal of Control Markers anywhere.
• Limits on future power activities.
• Granting of CoDominions anywhere Controls exist.
Note: all markers granted by a passed Congressional Treaty are free of cost.
Chinese Resentment:
The moderator will adjust the CRI as necessary, determine whether or not the Chinese rebel, and place armies in the case of a war. (See Chinese Rebellion Army Placement)
No player actions allowed.
Alliance Determination:
The moderator will define alliances based on all powers' declarations
of war.
Players may declare War, request allies by Treaty, and answer such requests for alliances. Once a power
is at war they may take no other action until their alliance maneuver
phase, save requesting allies by treaty and Negotiating War Ends and/or Separate Peaces. A Separate
Peace is to be treated as a Negotiated War End.
Initiative Determination:
The moderator will determine initiative.
No player actions allowed.
Alliance Maneuver:
The moderator will move troops for the Chinese and Ottomans (both as
outlined in the rules), and for unallied Minor Powers.
Players may move troops as per the rules (pg. 22).
Players may Negotiate War Ends and/or Separate Peaces. A Separate Peace is to be treated as a Negotiated War End.
Alliance Attack:
Players will determine in which areas they wish to attack (and
preferred losses).
Players may Negotiate War Ends and/or Separate Peaces. A Separate Peace is to be treated as a Negotiated War End.
The moderator will determine unallied Minor Power attacks.
The moderator will resolve all combats. (see Combat Chart)
The moderator will determine troops losses (attempting to minimize costs and equalize losses) and troops retreats, unless the players submitted preferred losses/retreats with their attack orders.
Alliance Supply:
The moderator will determine what troops/markers are out of supply and adjust markers and troops accordingly.
No player activities allowed.
War End Determination:
The moderator will determine if the war is over.
No player actions allowed.
The moderator will make necessary end of war adjustments.
Wars may end by several means, and each has different potential player actions:
• Negotiated War end: Any actions from the Negotiation phase may occur,
though new markers placed in this manner must be paid for.* Players may
determine where illegally placed troops will retreat to.
• Alliance Victory: Any legal Control Markers may be placed, at no cost, in areas conquered from the defeated alliance. Any other actions from the Negotiation phase may also occur, though new markers placed in this manner must be paid for.* Players may determine where illegally placed troops will retreat to.
• Stalemate: Any legal Control Markers may be placed, at no cost, in areas conquered from the opposing alliance. Any other actions from the Negotiation phase may also occur, though new markers placed in this manner must be paid for.* Players may determine where illegally placed troops will retreat to.
Victory Point Record:
The moderator will record end of turn Victory Points. (See Victory Point Bonuses)
No player activities allowed.
Final Record:
The moderator will record end of game Victory Points and determine final player standings. (See Victory Point Bonuses)
No player activities allowed.
* Several times the phrase 'new marker' occurs, in the context of determining whether or not a marker must be paid for. If Britain has a sole Protectorate in Egypt, and gives it to France, this is transferral of an established marker (one marker becomes one marker). No payment is necessary. However, if Britain gives said Control to both France and Germany as a CoDominion, one new marker becomes two markers, and so one marker must be paid for, unless other circumstances allow. Basically, every additional token on the board is literally a 'new marker'.